Anytime Mindfulness with Emily

Anytime Mindfulness with Emily

Are you a current client looking for a little between-session connection? Or, are you searching for a therapist but don’t know how to make a choice without hearing what the person sounds like?

Are you working on your meditation or self-hypnosis skills but feel like you need some support? Maybe you have tried an app for meditation, but feel it’s less personal than you would like.

If you are looking to boost your mindfulness practice, click below for 20-minute guided visualizations… all from the comfort of your home.

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Sleep Therapy. Now What?

Sleep Therapy. Now What?

Do you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up too early? Do you wake feeling non-refreshed? Are you considering therapy focused on treating your sleep? Do you keep reading about how to treat insomnia online and in books and wonder how therapy might be different than doing it on your own? Or, have you just begun treatment for your sleep with me and want a reminder of what we covered in session and where to go from here? Click below for a podcast review of the first stages of insomnia treatment, or keep reading for the podcast transcript below.

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Mid-week Mindfulness with Emily Roby, PsyD

Mid-week Mindfulness with Emily Roby, PsyD

Are you a current client looking for a little between-session connection? Or, are you searching for a therapist but don’t know how to make a choice without hearing what the person sounds like?

Are you working on your meditation or self-hypnosis skills but feel like you need some support? Maybe you have tried an app for meditation, but feel it’s less personal than you would like.

If you are looking to boost your mindfulness practice, sign in for 20-minute guided visualizations… all from the comfort of your home.

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