Constantly Calibrate
/Imagine that your life is a Ferris wheel. Each cart or group of carts represents an element of life that is important and necessary to you. Take a breath and imagine each of the carts filling up with the time and energy you give them. Now, how do you balance your wheel so it keeps moving with ease? Do you have 10 carts next to each other, which are full of work? Then are the cars surrounding those work carts full of the stress from work? How does that wheel turn? Physically, the heaviest carts would drift to the bottom and it would take a great deal of energy to move them up and over the cycle of the wheel. So, how can you calibrate? Some people work best taking everything apart and putting it back together. But, full scale overhaul can be daunting. Another approach is to think about how you might move the heavy carts equidistant from each other and surround them with lighter carts (relaxation, time with friends/family/pets). How does that wheel turn? Does it take as much energy? Is each heavy cart a little less formidable when it is spaced between carts that represent recuperation? So take a moment, take a breath, and balance your wheel.