Gait correction.


If you had a problem with your gait…the way you walk. This might not be noticeable for a while. Then you might start having random foot pain—bad enough that you aren’t able to do the things you love. So, you see a few professionals. They confirm you are in need of “gait correction”. This does not come in the form of a pill or a surgery. It comes in the form of gradually, consistently working on learning a new way to walk. You work with a professional. You reprogram your brain to understand how the old way of walking was harmful and strengthen your muscles to support a new way of walking. No magic. Lots of work. You start to learn about your body in a new way. You start to feel how the old way has been harmful and gradually nudge your body into a new balance. This new balance seems out-of-balance by comparison. But, you are working with a professional for guidance and you have support. Your brain starts believe that the new gait is the correct gait and you walk this way so often it becomes easy.

As this applies to your mental wellness, how might you address your “gait” problem? Changes throughout the process of therapy range from easy and immediate to hard-won. Sometimes it seems difficult to determine if you are making progress at all because your brain is so used to the old way. Have you had any experiences of small, consistent changes that have resulted in something good? Take time, do the work, and have hope. If you would like to consider professional support as you realign your way of thinking and being, visit my CALENDAR to schedule a free consultation at a time that works for you!