Thankful for What? A Visualization of Gifts


Do you feel as if nothing is going your way? Is isolation and constant stress making it hard to see any of the good in life? Has the chronic fatigue of 2020 become the norm? Do you feel grateful for all that you have, but often forget what you have because of the strains and distractions each day?  In the season of thanks do you find yourself wondering, “thankful for what?” 

What if it was possible to search the ordinary for a reason to be thankful? Can you take a moment to consider the way in which just talking with someone can be a gift? And, for the ultimate challenge, how can a gift be found from even the most frustrating situation? Big, small, obvious or hidden… click below for a guided visualization to help you search out the gifts in your life.

*Disclaimer: Contents of this blog and throughout this site are intended as additional resources for people already in or considering psychotherapy. It is not a replacement for therapy and if at any point you feel you are in crisis, please call the National Crisis Line 1-844-493-8255, Text "Talk" to 38255, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room.