Grounding and Growing: A Visualization to Ease Anxiety


Are you a current client looking for a little between-session connection? Or, are you searching for a therapist but don’t know how to make a choice without hearing what the person sounds like?

Are you working on your meditation or self-hypnosis skills but feel like you need some support? Maybe you have tried an app for meditation, but feel you want something more personal.

If you are looking to boost your mindfulness practice, click below for 20-minute guided visualizations… all from the comfort of your home.

*Disclaimer: Contents of this blog and throughout this site are intended as additional resources for people already in or considering psychotherapy. It is not a replacement for therapy and if at any point you feel you are in crisis, please call the National Crisis Line 1-844-493-8255, Text "Talk" to 38255, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room.